Post-processing the vocal through EQ work and reverb in a DAW such as FL Studio, Audacity, or Studio One also greatly helps with increasing the realism of the voice. Otherwise, I minimize vibrato whenever possible as most real singing just doesn't use it. A nice pattern I use is to slowly ramp up vibrato from zero to a maximum right near the end of a long note. (Most of their advice is spot on!)ĭefault vibrato for most synthesizers is also pretty bad and you need to change them most if not all of the time. I learned this from this editor PV, so /u/ABCYR's advice on watching editor PVs is solid. I definitely second using notebends - these work across most synthesizers and definitely are an easy way to add realism. I'm speaking primarily from a SynthV and CeVIO standpoint, portfolio here. Those are all the tips that I think can help you, if you have a doubt, you can PM me or something, I'll glad to help Watch covers where you can see the editor: Thrust me, it helps a lot.Īcapella+Melodyne or something that lets you see the pitch: It helped me a lot to understand PIT

I recommend Vibramouse for that, or something like autotune or melodyne Ye, you can use the default vibrato, but it sounds pretty. Vibrato with PIT: The vibratos sound better with PIT. Also, you can use "-" like an POR replacement For example: You have a note in, dunno, C#3, and the next is in F3, you can short the F3 note, put in C3, and "-"+some extra phoneme like s, k, t, or something like that (if the word end with some consonant, I mean) in F3, thrust me, it'll make the loid sound much better. "-" note/notebend: You can use extra notes to makes the vocaloid sound more. Anyway, it'll make more sensitive he PIT, so I recommend practice a lot with it. Default PBS it's pretty useless, i normally have it in 10~12, and I know someone who use the max. Up PBS: Rise up to 4~8, preferably to 6, maybe. English isn't my first language, so sorry if i don't explain good, i'll try